Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A new start!

Good cold January day, my friends!
As I am determined to continue writing on my blog this year, I have set a goal to do at least one post a week! Hopefully I can fulfill this goal. The reason I am back blogging is for a couple of reasons. One, I have paid for my domain name for quite some time, and each time I renew it I think to myself, why am I spending money on something that I never use? So this year, I decided it was to be my year to follow through and use it.
Now, I have some thoughts about whether or not to keep this venue to host my blog (blogger.com) or, as I develop my website to blog from within that. I haven’t decided yet.
Anyway, back to business...
I have a new start! This post will be about my latest cross stitch start, and also maybe a word or two about my process on the Bonnie Hunter “Frolic” mystery quilt , and possibly what’s coming up.

This is my latest project for our winter place here in Florida!

I decided to try something different this time and put a piece of painters tape on my thread holder and with a sharpie, make the symbol that corresponds with the color of the thread that I am using. I am not sure how that will go but its a try and let you know.

Here is my start...so far, so good. I have only had to frog once!  

Since this is a 9x36” banner, I am going to have all of this Aida hanging down in front of me as I stitch. So, I decided to bring my wonder clips into my work and I rolled up my fabric so I unclip as I go! Brilliant!!!

Now back to my sewing. I am on clue # 5 on the Frolic mystery by Bonnie Hunter.
I just love her!! 
Clue #5 all cut and ready to sew!

Notice how I do like Bonnie tells us to?? I use her little ruler to measure the 1/4” and then after I sew, press and measure, if it is accurate I put down an old plastic card and apply painters tape to hold my spot for accuracy. It isn’t pretty, but oh what a difference being accurate means in quilting!!

The last thing I need to do is to either get batteries for my video camera or maybe I will just use my phone, but I need to make a video for my brother.  Yes, my brother. You see, I the only thing that I know how to knit are dishcloths.

 My brother just loves them and asked me to show him how to make them. He told me to make him a video and so I decided that I would share it here with you as well! But that’s to come later. Right now, I want to get to the next part of the Quiltville mystery, and sew I stitch!
Have a great day!!! 

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